Making 10...An Essential Strategy for Building Number Sense...
Make sure your student knows these facts inside and out. Learning and retaining these facts will help your student form connections and see how larger numbers work.
Once kids see that an "8" will need a "2" to make a ten...they can pull "4" apart into "2" & "2"...then give "2" to the "8" to make 10...have "2" left over...and have 12 altogether.
A 5 is made up of a 2 and a 3. If you give 2 to the make a ten. With the left over make 13. This is a great way to visualize the number and move digits around in your brain (learning).
We will create one of these in class...I will send it home. Look for it and... Post it somewhere the kids can see it on a regular basis...fridge...toilet (yes really - they spend a great deal of time in there)...bedroom name it!